After living overseas for more than 20 years Julie and Martin decided it was time to return to New Zealand, enjoy a change of pace and live in the beautiful Bay of Islands. The Gateway Motel and Apartments has been our home since December 2019. We are dedicated to making your experience here an enjoyable one. Pop in and say hello! We enjoy meeting so many wonderful people and hearing about your travels around our beautiful part of the world.
Our team is aware of the need to be conscientious in respect of environment and sustainability issues, the need to conserve power and water, be active in reducing waste and in recycling of all suitable materials.
Accordingly, we wish to make our guests aware of how we minimise our environmental impact, while ensuring that the quality of comfort and service is maintained.
All our units are individually equipped with highly efficient Reverse Cycle Air Conditioning (heat pumps). These are the most efficient and effective form of heating and cooling and are designed to be able to heat and cool your entire unit without the need for other forms of heating or cooling.
All the external building lighting and security lighting uses energy efficient fluorescent lighting. This form of lighting is currently being phased out of all units, external lighting and security lighting, to be replaced with even more energy efficient LED lighting.
Hot Water:
The hot water is supplied via instantaneous gas hot water systems. This is a very cost effective and energy efficient method of supplying hot water.
Motel Consumables:
In order to reduce the amount of waste from packaging we now provide pump dispensers for:
- Hand Soap
- Hair & Body Wash
The quality of the products has not changed; however, the volume of waste has been significantly reduced.
Each unit is provided with a plastic receptacle for recyclable material. We are actively involved in recycling glass bottles, plastic bottles and containers (PET1 & 2), cardboard, paper, tin and aluminium cans.
Should you wish to or have the need to dispose of any of these articles yourself you can do so by placing all recyclable items in the blue rubbish bin at the bottom of the rear stairs below the BBQ terrace. The recycling will be sorted by staff.